Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Magus: Majorca Arcana One


I'd like to take a moment to share an article from Angel Paths I ran across while researching  different perspectives concerning my latest spread. I was very impressed and inspired by the authors insights and highly recommend you read their description of the card and implement it into your daily lives.

To paraphrase, "The Magus reveals the intricate web of influences that bind the universe to itself and to all else." It teaches us that to attain your hearts desire one must learn to understand and manipulate this web in all its forms.

  It is  the Mercurius of alchemy,  The pathway from Kethar to Binah, and the 1 as a symbol for unity.  The idea of manifestation and the possibility of making that idea come true.

In the fool we are born. The babe in the egg. The card being 0, the beginning and the end. Primordial chaos and the realm of endless possibilities. The liberated freedom of the  free spirit. As we evolve into the Magus we learn how to perceive the primordial chaos as not an incomprehensible disaster of complete random factirs, but as a pattern or web that is simply too large for the uninitiated to see.  When we use our intention, and our focus to manifest our will into reality we become the Magus!

Further more, I feel this backs up my experiences with the invocation of Seth as discussed in my last post and my theory connecting him to The Magician card.  

Here is an excerpt from the Angel Path article that details how every act is an act of magick and how by simply acting with purpose and intent in your daily routine can manifest your goals! As Above, so Below!

We need to look at how every single action we take can be made into an act of magick. People miss this concept all the time. Yet holding the idea in the forefront of your mind changes the way that you approach your daily activities.

"So acting with intent is another thing we can practise on the day of the Magus. For instance, if you cook a meal, cook it with the intention that it will sustain the very spirit of those who eat it. If you do the washing up, do it remembering that you are washing away the stains of the world. If you are driving to see a friend, regard the journey as another  in your growth and development. Get the idea? Practise everything with intent. From personal experience, let me tell you it really gets the mundane stuff done quickly, efficiently and with a full heart."

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