Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Basics: Tools for RItuals

Because I have been getting a lot of newcomers to the arts I thought I would try and write up a brief summery of the basic tools of the craft in a way that can apply to the various paths followed. So heres a quick crash intro course! Remember however:


 No1      The Extension of Your Will. 

Arguably the most important aspect of magick will be the extension of your will. Because that's what magick is. The manifestation of your will.

There are several tools to be used as extensions of  your will, the most common are as follows:

The Wand:  Corresponds to fire which is also WILL.  Several types of wands can be made for various purpose.  I fashioned my first wand from a Willow tree who's spirit called to me. That's a longer story available in my book.  For your first wand this is what I recommend based on what I did.

Go to a place that has special meaning to you.  A park, or sacred ancestral land, or into the depths of woods. The more a quest you make of it, the more it is going to mean to you. It is the extension of  your will so make your will known!   Let the tree call to you, as you telepathically send out your request for a wand, let the tree answer you and draw you to it. There are many types of woods to choose from, I grabbed this link at random.  One of the first books I read when first starting out was Donald Tyson's Ritual Magic which will have more detailed information.  I primarily use an Athame now for connivence, but have a special wand  dedicated to Dionysus. I actually made that out of a scrap of metal pipe with a pine cone attached to  it's tip (proving that anything can be an extension of thy will).

(Good for lot's of basics, but please do yourself a favor and ignore the RHP bullshit about anti -Satanism. It's RHP bullshit. On second thought... don't ignore it. If you plan to take the ORDO NIHIL  System of initiation, then the first stage your going to undergo is going to be that of extreme psychodrama, in which case the more afraid you are of those things that go bump in the night, the more beneficial it will be when you ultimately embrace them!) 

Paraphrased from "Ritual Magic" ... "Wand should be the length from the tip of your pointer finger to your elbow".

Once You've cut your wand, thanked your tree and all that, let it dry out in the sun for the next 3 days time, esperging it with blessed water and sacred salt and fumigating it in incense each day along with incantations of purification and blessings.  Remember this is an extension of your will so make it appropriate to you.  ONM is a sect of the LHP, so once again I will say that I am not a fan of Solomonic Magick and do not personally like the use of angels, however basic guidelines are provided for all of these things, including suggested planetary days and hours are given in The Grimorium Verum.  I'll make photo copies of my copy and post them next week to my Scarlet Priest Tier  pledges at

Once ready you can inscribe upon it your magic name along with the runes, sigils and symbols you desire to reflect your will. I usually charge my tools with blood or sexual sacrifice. 

THE SWORD: Wile the wand it thought to be passive, the ceremonial sword is aggressive in nature. I used to use the sword quite a bit after having quite the specimen fall into my lap. Now I am in no way a Nazi or racist by any means, let me make that clear, but when an SS officers saber finds you and literally tells you to take it, you do so.  Anyone who doesn't realize the amount of occult knowledge and power being attained and utilized by the Nazi's has little understanding to what was really going on during that time and should dig deeper.   That being said there are only certain times when the sword is actually necessary and that is rituals of a warlike, aggressive, or ultra masculine nature. Finding mine and exclusive usage was more than likely part of my journey and self initiation.  However here are a few examples of using a sword.   Invocations of Mars or masculinity or spells and invocations to the  Morrigan or any other war God or Goddess,  Be your own judge.  The Sword is mercurial in nature and associated with the element of air.

THE ATHAME:  The perfect combination of Air in Fire. It is by far the most used among Pagans and Ceremonial Magicians alike. It is also the easiest to acquire.  Aleister Crowley says in "Magick Theory and Practice " something along the lines that everyone has a knife in their kitchen. A kitchen knife can be an athame. Should be purchased or made or in the case of the kitchen knife purified on the day and hour of Mercury during the waning moon and then charged and consecrated on the day and hour of Mercury during the waxing moon.   But hey.. heres what Wikipedia has to say!

Also for Crowley....

Boom! start with this!  Next Week We'll Talk about Water, Salt, The Feather, and the circle and the robes  and making an altar .

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