Sunday, March 8, 2020

Evocation of Clauneck : The Demon of Wealth

 I recently was asked to share my personal evocation method was for Clauneck, so this is primarily for him. However; I figured that since I was sharing I'd write an essay on the matter for everyone. 

Before I begin, I would like to say that I don't deserve to be writing any sort of advice about Clauneck as I have recently shown him disrespect by not heeding his advice concerning the liquidation of stocks and reinventing where I was told in a timely manner, even after passionately promising I would do so during our weekly meeting. Instead, my faith wavered and I wasted 3 days pondering the decision and even asking online advice from other sources. By the time I acted the market had closed for the weekend and the cash funds are frozen for 3 more business days, while I  watch as his advised investment accending by the hour. I fully here and now take responsibility for my failure in this matter and compromising the business that belongs to him and not me. I beg his forgiveness. 


First off please remember that methods go off book and I like to combine aspects of Hoodoo, Voodoo, Ceremonial and Traditional Witchcraft in my practice. This is what worked for me. 

  Now while I am sure that the requester is well informed about Clauneck in general, I will give a summary here for the sake of trying to write a worthy essay. 

Clauneck (also called Claunt) is a goetic daemon appearing in the grimoires The Secrets of Solomon (The Secrets of Solomon is a 16th or 17th century diabolical text. It contains an early version of many of the demons listed in Grimorium Verum. This grimoire is in the tradition of Solomon), Grimorium Verum and Dictionnaire Infernal. One of the eighteen Servitors of Syrach, Clauneck is well loved by Lucifer, and he is summoned because he has the ability to bestow wealth, either by bringing money over a great distance or by assisting in the discovery of hidden treasure. Clauneck is the demon of wealth, known to be obedient to his summoners, but only to those who show him the proper respect.

The Grimorium Verum says this about Clauneck, he “has power over, goods, money, and finances”, “can bestow great wealth”,[2] and finally, “he is much loved by Lucifer”. Clauneck “much loved by Lucifer” is an agent thereof, and so entrusted with accessing astral bank vault. Clauneck is who a myriad of modern-day Hermetic occultists demand or beg money from, and while rightly so this is where their understanding of Clauneck's vast dominion begins and end. 

In the Grimorium Verum Clauneck is first or “numero uno” in the ordering of the eighteen servitor spirits. Clauneck's numbering demonstrates his supremacy within the legion's hierarchy, and denotes the respect held for him by Lucifer. However even more importantly the number one is the first indication of value by which all value is essentially an addition or subtraction of “1” or a sum totals of “1s”- (Taken from Wikipedia) 

  That article goes on in some details concerning his sigil, numerology, zodiac etc. I'm not going to rehash all of it here. If you'd like to know more just Google Clauneck. I own the Grimorium Verum so that's my primary source of knowledge other than what I've personally learned working with him.  And the Verum doesn't go into that much detail. Also I will not instruct on the use of Solomatic magick here. I do NOT approve of this method! Solomatic magick is designed by Judeo Christian magicians with the intent of conjuring a spirit against its will and forcibly binding it into the magicians service. Why do think their are so many precautions involved and the threat of such rituals being "dangerous"?! You'd be pretty pissed off too if that was done to you!  In my early years, around 2004 when I had first acquired my copy of the Grimorium Verum (among others which appears in the text "Pacts with the Devil" by Christopher Hyatt and S Jason Black) I had followed the incantations verbatim from the book (as best I as could.. I mean does anyone really know how to pronounce most of those words? And c'mon! Making an esperger with "white thread spun by a virgin maiden"?! Wtf?! Do virgins even still exist, let alone ones that spin thread!?) but I digress. I followed the book and most of the time received less than desired results.  The one exception to this was an experiment done by the authors involving simply talking to the spirit "as one would to an old friend" after inviting it into your circle. No incantations needed. That's a whole other story. 

I am surprised that my first attempt at contacting Clauneck went even as well as it did considering.  This leads me to another observation that I have discovered about these "demons"... What is written in these books concerning what they actually do for you is highly metaphoric. I have not met or talked with one single magician whom Clauneck has ever led to a hidden chest of gold! However; if you consider the hidden treasures within yourself as a hidden treasure, he will help you develop these!  At any rate… I thought he'd just make me rich, instead I ended up getting a job application taped on my front door. He literally told me to "go get a fucking job!" One thing I've noticed is that he does not tolerate laziness! 

   Now to the actual point of this essay! What is my new technique for evoking Clauneck?  Well this hasn't been a one step process and by this point my entire style of magic had been altered, beginning a year or so previously when I reconnected with my patron goddess, the demon queen and mother of witchcraft! Hail Lilith! Hail AZ! Hail Babylon!  to her I signed a blood oath in exchange for a spirit familiar and to teach me "real" witchcraft. She has not been withholding. I let her and my familiar guide and instruct me. 

First: I did not attempt to summon Clauneck outright, without the permission of his "commanding officer" if you will. I was patient and first went about tracking down any information I could about Syrach, to whom Clauneck is a servitor of.  This was no easy task, as you will note that the Grimorium Verum does not give Syrach's sigil nor any information about him therein. This I have learned is for good reason, as after attempting to write details about him in my Grimoire and even talking about him with a close colleague in my occult circles, he became angry and severely punished me, first by breaking my Dj laptop and later getting my finger deeply whilst preparing a ceremonial gourmet meal for him. (this part could also have been his way of requesting a blood sacrifice though). I really do regret not being able to discus him as I was completely astonished by this spirits nobility.  That's as much as I am aloud to say on this matter as I can feel him at this moment telling me to silence. 

  I found an online article that someone random, of no known authority credentials had posted with  enn chants and a sigil for him that they had claimed had been given to them by gnosis. I went with it. I felt as I always do that I had been led there and used it. For the reasons given earlier I will not share that sigil, nor the enn chants so if you'd like to contact Syrach I suggest that you do the work and find a sigil that works for you. Ask your patrons for help, Lucifer or Azazel would likely be good for this. There is a strong debate over whether or not it's even necessary to evoke the demon in command of its servitors or not, I only mention it because I did so. The online article I had found with this information has also disappeared reaffirming my beliefs that Syrach prefers to stay in the shadows.  I fulfilled my part of the deal I made with him and was granted the authority to use his name when calling upon Clauneck. 

2nd:  The first summoning of Clauneck. This has been quite some time back now so I'll try to remember all the details as I tend to alter my techniques the way a chef experiments with recipes.  Prior to any first evocation you first must create a sigil and pact and I still follow Jason Black's alternative to animal sacrifice by replacing it with the sexual sacrifice. This is done days before the ritual and the sexual fluids are spilled upon the parchment to be used as the contract.  Sacred salt is to be sprinkled on the parchment and any incantation in your own words protecting the parchment from outside influence or energies. I generally say something along the lines of " oh creature of salt bless this parchment of the art. Protect it from any unwanted spirit or influence. Any trickery or untruth or deception. Let it remain as pure as the new fallen snow."  I allowed the parchment to charge 48 with the light of the waxing moon at night and the sun by day. The timing on this however was based more upon the fact that I made the parchment on the new moon to represent the beginning of the great work and waiting for Tuesday to begin the evocation. Whatever way you choose your timing, be mindful of the planetary days and hours involved as these energies will affect the overall influences on the whole. I was glad that the new moon landed on a Sunday as I could garner Luciferian energies as I worship Lucifer as a solar deity rather than Venus (this could be a topic for another essay).  And I did invoke him during my sexual sacrifice, along with AZ Babylon Lilith (my two patrons) for their influence in this work. Clauneck is beloved by Lucifer and it would be wise to get his favor. 

After 24 hours  of drying I inscribed  around the edges of the contract these symbols as suggested in the GV. 

That part is a bit Solomatic so you can skip it if you like. I felt fine by doing it. You can also probably replace those symbols with his Enn Chant.  He has a few. I use AVELEN ESSEN CLAUNECK KIAR … Most pronounce it just as spelled, but as I've tried to decipher the pronunciation of the Demonic tongue, I came up with.. " Ah - Ha- Vae-len… Es-Sen.. Claw-neck - Keer"  I will alternate between both. I think that placing archaic symbols of power around the contract is more about making your mind believe that it is ancient and powerful than anything else.  

  At this time I also drew the sigils, both on the contract and on a separate piece of parchment. I used bat's blood ink for all of this (mine is mixed with my own blood and preserved in a consecrated bottle containing upon it the Hebrew and Enochian roughly translating to "So it is written, So it is done." 

I first drew Lucifer's seal at the top to represent his superiority over the Demons. Below that I inscribed Syrach's sigil representing the authority of his name as given per my compact with him. Beneath the two the sigil of Clauneck.  Then, below that, I began to tediously write out my offer to Lord Clauneck and my request for his services and my proposed business plan. 

NOTE: Clauneck likes to be approached with a solid business plan. An idea of how you plan to achieve your desires and how success in these endeavors can benefit both parties. When dealing with Clauneck I find it best to treat it as if I was sitting down at the executive board table in a conference room and pitching my ideas. I've even taken to wearing a suit when conjuring him.  He will also make you work for it. He did instantly agree to my contract at first. Possibly because of my previous failed attempt at dealing with him, he wanted to see if I would work towards the goal. He is said to put the Magician on The Chopping Block and judge the value of his worth. I won't rattle on about these things as they are all listed in the Wikipedia article, and perhaps any other simple Google search. 

3rd:  OK.. on to the actual evocation ritual? Nope, more preliminary work is needed  before we begin. Just remember, however you choose to do your prep work, it is very important to spend that time on your preparation! This lays all the foundations for your focus and intent.  

So as of said, I chose Tuesday to call upon Clauneck. I may have misread something, as I see Weds and Thursday is most common. He is ruled by Virgo and Mercury so it is really your choice. By picking Tuesday I draw heavily upon Mars energy which may in fact have been appropriate for me personally.  

I had already purchased his candles. One green and one red. These of course were properly blessed and consecrated, and it should go without saying that you're temple and all ritual items should be as well. THIS INCLUDES YOURSELF.   I also meditated outside with tobacco offerings while chanting his enn and focused on my intent. Upon his candles I carved his enn and sigil and prepared his wine as well as dragons blood insense. This work was all done upon the floor within my evocation triangle.

The Evocation Triangle :

I am still working on perfecting this so bear with me. It started out many years ago for use in evoking Lucifer himself.  It's a simple equilateral triangle on a white rug. I used colored tape and am aware that something natural would be better at some point I am going to get around to fixing that. Upon the tape is writ " In Nomine Dei nostri satanas luciferi excelsi" taken from Levay's Satanic Bible.   During this year I have added the all seeing eye at Lucifer's command. Later I intend to add the symbol for infinity based on an image of the alchemical philosopher's stone I recently found.  

I believe that around this time is also when I made the Lucifer seal upon a tile square I had found and placed it in the center of the triangle. If you take a look at the diagram below and consider the circle to me the magic circle cast by the operator, then you will certainly see the similarity of the Philosopher's stone and thus the perfect symbol for the materialization of your will. 

Philosopher's Stone 
Lucifer's Seal from the Grimorium Verum 

4th: It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Begin opening rituals. We all have different paths and techniques. I light the candles upon both Lucifer and Lilith's altar. I invoke their blessings. I perform the kabbalistic cross. I cast a protective circle to ward off outside influence. I call the 4 Infernal Kings and open the 4 elemental gates.  North/Earth/Belial (Baal and Set). 


South/Fire/Satan (Pan, Cernunnos, Shaitan) 


Then end as if I had performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. 

"I am the center of the four. I am the center of the universe. About me upon all sides blaze the Infernal Pentagram and in the center of the circle the six rayed star!" 

I point my athame to the sky and pull the combined energy of the 5 elements downward to the floor with the point of the dagger. 

" As Above! So Below! "

5th: I placed the contract upon Lucifer's Seal and Clauneck Sigil upon that. I lit the candles which were placed at the top of the tile(green to the left and red to the right) while chanting his Enn. I took in my hand and then sprinkled commanding/compelling powder in a circle around the triangle and gently blew the remaining powder into the candle flames (be careful not to blow out the candles)( I'll provide the recipe for the powder in the side notes at the end.) 

I took a razor that I had blessed for this purpose and cut, dripping my blood upon his sigil, his candles and finely upon the contract in the place reserved for my signature. I signed with the pen of the art. I poured his wine into the chalice prepared for him and lit the dragons blood insense, taking it by hand and drawing his sigil into the air above the candles. I then took it to the window and chanted his enn whilst the smoke bellowed out into the open air and mentally invited him into my temple. I returned to my place at the evoking triangle and spoke. 

"Lord Clauneck. Keeper of coin. Great Banker. Beloved by Lucifer.  By his name I request that you appear before me. I have brought you my humble offerings of wine and candles, of insense and my blood. Lucifer my lord, grant me your favor. With great respect and gratitude I ask to send Clauneck unto  me; For I seek his aid! By the name of Syrach, your Superior and the authority he hath given me by his name as agreed upon and signed in blood I call upon thee! With great reverence and respect to you. The builder of great cities and Empires! The builder and destroyer of commerce! I ask thee to grace me with thine presence. 

I focused upon his sigil, I allowed myself to go further into Astral trance while repeating to chant his enn. Once fully into a meditative state I properly vibrated each word of the enn, putting forth the most energy into the vibration of his name.  You can have all the words, all the tools and all the rituals you like, but if you can't properly enter an Astral state or properly vibrate an entities name ; your chances of success will be little to none. I'd like to quote famous Mr. Crowley here but it's been so long since I read that particular anecdote and I can't for the life of me remember which text it was from ;however, it was concerning a would be magician who went to the beach at night with the intentions of summoning. He had all the right tools, he wore his ceremonial robes, and he knew the right words of every rite and ritual, but did not have the skills of properly vibrating the words. Instead he was just yelling them into the night sky as loud as he could. In the end, the only demons he succeeded in summoning were the ones in blue uniforms to put him in handcuffs. 

The most important thing is to connect your vibration to his on his plane of existence and allow him to come to you and he did. When I evoke a spirit I generally get a myriad of images, some subconscious and some symbolic. The two that stand out the most are the intertwining serpents of gold and a man with sharp features and rather expressionless face before me. He sat at a plane wooden desk of Immaculate order. He wore a suit that was fine yet not flashy and perfectly pressed. He wore glasses upon his face.  He bid me to speak my offer aloud that I had written upon the parchment and to state what plans I have had to put my desires into action. Again I say if was like presenting a pitch to the VP or CFO of a company. Unlike other spirits I had made pacts with he did accept or deny my offer right away but prompted me to test my worth. He instructed me to make him an alter and to call upon him every week upon the same day before sunset (he is a day demon) and we could continue our business. Then he was gone.  

I am fairly certain you all know how to close a ritual, so I'm not going to go on about thanking the spirits you've summoned or banishing negative lingering energies or astral nasties. Those are basics that everyone should already have down long before attempts at conjuring. 

I built him an altar. My room was running out of space at this point so I had to move the space heater atop the old metal file cabinet by my bed to the other side of my room next to my recording studio. Turned out I had forgotten that I had used this for an art installation many years ago and it had been painted with red symbols depicting money and satanic images. It was in fact meant to look like an altar in a business office. It once had a sculpture of baby with a bloated belly of pasty white cracked skin and wings made of sales slips. The piece was part of a 7 piece set representing the deadly sins. Obviously this one represented greed. It was perfect. Thinking of the Old sculpture that I had sold, I took a figure of laki menehune (a mythical creature from Hawaiian folklore said to bring wealth and good fortune) as an idol and built him a throne upon money and coins. His wine chalice was placed beneath the hooves of a horse (one of his symbolic animals). His candles and sigil and money drawing powder was placed in their respective places. 

Next time I called him, he told me that he wanted to amend our deal. He told me from now on I would give him 30 percent of my tips each week at this time. He said that although he would be "banking" this money, it would one day be used to complete our bargain when it was the right time. This he said would both fulfill my end and his.  I asked if this meant he accepted my contract. He said we had a "loose" deal, but if I didn't follow or listen to his council, then failure would be on my hands and not his.  

I added a safe to his altar, and that is now the seat of his throne. I keep my promise to him each week and each week he appears. Sometimes he asks for things. He had me paint his portrait, he asked for tobacco once. Mugwort, pomegranate, and as of late he asked me to switch wine to rum.  We've had a lot of problems communicating because my clairaudience is not very skilled and I have much trouble interpreting his dream messages. I tried an Ouija board but got gibberish and divining rods were only partially successful. One day I tried tarot cards and by far this has been the best form of communication ever. The first time  using them, I drew the first card and it was abundance. When asking him if we could end the ritual, I drew completion. Every reading has been exceptional and leaves no doubt that he is talking to me through the cards. They are not helpful however for things such as which stocks to purchase or the like and for that I really have to rely on clairaudience, which is tricky because I have trouble deciphering the voices in my imagination and the voice of the spirit. This can be frustrating for him as his pet peeve seems to be when his summoner does not listen or heed his council like I recently did with these stocks. Although he obviously has the power to destroy you financially, I feel that he wouldn't bother unless you greatly disrespected him. I feel that more likely would simply not bother with you at all if he felt you were wasting his time. The amount of help and prosperity he provides greatly varies from time to time depending on the value of your worth.  He has been one of the most reliable, helpful and informative entities I have ever worked with and I am glad to have developed a relationship with him. 

Side Notes :   

How to properly vibrate words of power. 

As you breathe in, visualize each letter of the word as flames or light or both. It should fill up your entire being from head to toe. Hold it. Feel its  power. Become it. As you breathe out vibrate the word full force. You should see, hear and feel the sound add a trading the entire universe in all directions, and into all dimensions. It should shake the very foundations of the cosmos. Practice makes perfect and you'll know when you've done it right. Research Crowley and the Golden Dawn and the like. They all give good instructions that are similar to this. 

Commanding Powder: ( only needed when first conjuring until a pact has been made). Some may even say using this is as bad as using Solomatic magick as it compels the spirit to appear. So optional. 


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